$ 14.00

Stars: Douglas Fairbanks, Ruth Renick, Wallace Beery

Director: Victor Fleming

A group of Americans on holiday in Monte Carlo are surprised to learn that Richard Marshall V, the monocled dandy they encounter is actually a fellow American much less that the expatriate claims harden Arizonian cow pokes as his ancestors. This happy gang of tourists is traveling with Mr. Henry Von Holkar and they plead with their host to bring Richard along as they are in fact bound for Arizona themselves. However Von Holkar has a secret smuggling operation to consider and is leery of bringing an unknown person onto his yacht. Despite everything Richard ends up tagging along and it looks like this is going to be a trip Richard won't soon forget but when Von Haolkar's villainy is revealed he'll have to summon up the heroic mantle of his two-fisted ancestors if he is to survive long enough to save the day.